Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Boy Who Answered the Door

    Diseases never seem all that scary until they affect you or someone you love. To be honest, cancer has never seemed all that scary to me, AIDS is no big deal, and Anorexia-psh that's only for self conscious cheerleaders. I understand that I don't really want to get any of these things, but they don't seem all that scary to me. However, that all changed a few months ago, when I went home to visit my family and a little boy answered the door.
    He looked so different, his cheek bones stuck out further and his eyes looked bigger. I could put my fingers around his thighs. This boy was my brother-that much I knew, but something had drastically changed. I ran up to the bathroom to cry out my shock and fears for this boy that meant so much to me. When I finally pulled myself together I went back downstairs to visit with him, only to be met with a running stream of information about his diet and exercising routine. I was scared again. A few short months before, all he wanted to talk about was gaming and animals. What had happened in that short amount of time?
    A few months later, he was diagnosed with Anorexia. That disease that before seemed so ridiculous to me, was now very serious. It now affected someone I loved. Eating disorders affect approximately 8 million Americans. Nearly half of all Americans know someone with an eating disorder.
    Last week I went to visit my brother who is now in a Psychiatric facility receiving the care that he needs. While we were there he made us all bracelets. We told him we would wear them until he gets out of there (which will hopefully be no more than a month; however, he will struggle with this for the rest of his life). They are our prayer reminders. I ask that you also would think of Cory when you see the colors black and yellow (maybe next time you are watching a Steelers game ;) ), and pray for him.


  1. So sorry to hear this Kayla. I hope he gets the attention he needs and gets better soon. I know the place you are in I too have a sister that was diagnosed with this. I will be praying for him.

  2. Thank you, your prayers are very much appreciated.
