Friday, February 21, 2014

Just a Quick Love Story

I know Valentines Day is over, but it's never too late to share a love story, right? Steven and I celebrated 3 1/2 years of marriage on Valentines Day and I am still happily married and more in love than I was on my wedding day.

 I really started to take an interest in Steven when I was fifteen and we became pretty good friends thanks to good ol' AIM, E-mail, and church/missions activities. As I have mentioned before, I have an E-mail folder labeled "Steven" that contains over 4,000 E-mails from him. Every once in a while I go back and read those E-mails and well, because I am sick, it seemed like the perfect activity. It is so fun to look back and see the beginnings of our relationship, even though I was the "dumb blonde" and Steven was the "dumb blonde police". He picked on me quite relentlessly and I may have to admit that I probably played it up a bit just so I could keep his attention (he he). In one of the E-mails I just read from 2007, he writes "i honestly am trying to be nice.  its really really hard.  i'll do it though.  u just wait".

It's funny to think that three years after he sent this we were married. Yeah, I'd say he found a way to be a little nicer. He is still my favorite person, my best friend, AND the nicest guy I've ever known.

Thanks babe for being the best husband a girl could ever ask for!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Low Fat Raw Vegan Valentines Chocolates

Ok, I know the title is a mouthful, but every part of that phrase is important! In light of the coming holiday for lovers (and also me and Steven's half year anniversary) I decided to come up with a yummy alternative to the junk that stores of to offer. No, obviously it isn't the same as what the store sells, but that is because it's better! Your body will thank you, and it tastes amazing. Here is the recipe:

-2 Ripe Banana's
-2 Tbs carob powder
-1/4 cup of blueberries
-little bit of water

-Heart candy mold (or whatever you prefer)
-candy liner

1) Blend together 1 banana, carob powder,  15 sweet drops, and a little bit of water (just to make the mixture blend well. Hopefully you will end up with a pudding like consistency 2) Scoop the mixture into your candy mold and make sure that it covers the bottom and a little ways up the sides. 3) Put it in the freezer of the the mixture is at least slightly frozen. 4) Meanwhile put your second banana,  15 sweet drops, and blueberries into the blender and blend into a smooth consistency. 5) Take your candy mold with the chocolate base out of the freezer and scoop a small amount of the blueberry filling into the center
6) Put it into the freezer again 7) when it is at least slightly frozen, pull it out and cover with another layer of chocolate.  8) Put it back into the freezer until solid 9) Take them out of the freezer and pop them out of the molds. 10) situate them in the candy liner and place it in the box. 11) Now your finished! If you want to add bonus points for presentation, tie up the box with a little ribbon.

For an easy tutorial on how to make these, check out my Vegan Tr3k channel <here>.