Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Oh the joys of pinching pennies!....not. Recently things have been a little tight financially, so I decided to turn to my dear friend, Google-the solver of all problems. In desperation, I asked my question bluntly: "How can I make money?" And Google, being the oh so wise search engine that it is replied with this answer: . The part I liked about this site was that they weren't a bunch of the really impractical get rich quick solutions. I read down through the list and saw "Sell Plasma". I decided to research this one a little bit and discovered that it is perfectly safe and incredibly practical! Not only am I helping others by donating my possibly life-saving plasma, but I am also making money. So the next step was to see if there was one close by, and sure enough there was! Right at the end of the brown line (which is half an hour away, but that is close for us). I talked to Steven about it and he was for it, so yesterday we took a trip out to Kimbel and donated plasma! It was really an intriguing process. You had to go in and read a bunch of papers, get an exam, they pricked our fingers, weighed us...ect. Then we go into the room where they have a bunch of reclined chairs. They hooked us up and off we went! It was a really weird sensation. When they put the blood back inside with a new liquid to take the place of our plasma it feels cold. For our first time including the exams and paper reading and everything took a couple hours, but when we go back it should only take an hour or so.  I quite enjoyed the process. Steven, on the other hand, confessed as we were walking in, that he just realized he doesn't like needles. It all went well though, and we walked out of the place $60 richer. What makes this even better is that we can do it twice a week! Of course it won't always be that much money, but still, it's more than we had when we walked in. So, in short..(a book later) if you need a practical means of making a little extra money and you are healthy and able to qualify, I would definitely look into this!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Life is full of change. During my short lifetime I have moved many times and in each instance I would have to adjust to the changing of homes. Along with changing homes I had changing friendships-those who I had once been the best of friends with slowly faded away as new people came flying into my life. As we grow our body's change and that is an adjustment as well. Our perception of life changes, our tastes change, and our feelings change.

Personally, I have never been a huge fan of change. It rips away all those things I once held dear and gives me something new and unfamiliar. In those times of change feelings of loneliness would creep up on me and I would cry and wonder why my life had to change. Why did I have to move? Why did I have to leave my friends? Why does my body have to change? Why do I have to grow up? etcetera...but then I realized that not everything changes. There will always be a constant in my life and it is the most important relationship in life. "I the Lord do not Change" (Malachi 3:6).

 At that point I realized that we are thrown into all these changes in order for us to cling to God and put our trust in him. Because I have been through so many changes in my life already, I have had so many opportunities to put my trust in God and cling to him. It is also through those times that I see him working the most. Of course he is always at work, but it's during those times that I am clinging to him so tightly and looking to him to be my solid foundation that I am able to see what he is doing all around me. 

It is wonderful to be able to look back at all those changes and see where they have brought me today. I can certainly rest knowing that God has my best interest at heart. Today I am very happily married to a wonderful guy whom I love very much. The best part of this is there are going to be many more changes in life and now I will be able to go through them with someone else. We will be able to cling to God as a couple and watch as he works all around us and through us. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Growin little plants =D

On my way to work

The parking lot outside Jenkins. I go through that fenced area to go to work.

It wasn't a very nice day out yesterday...all the tall buildings are covered in the fog.

This is moody's yard that I walk's nice to be one of the few places with grass.

Walkin down the sidewalk next to moody. 

I wonder what this door does when you press f9...hmm...

Looking ahead to the intersection where I need to cross.

Foggy buildings

Walkin through a construction area.

The McDonald's that is always crowded.

A cool looking church building of sorts.

There are a bajillion ways to walk to Panera, so I usually just follow this guy.

Gettin closer. Walking on a brick sidewalk =D

I need to walk down Erie. 

I love the lights this restaurant always has =)

This place looks cool.

I love their little courtyard. It's so cute.

Another cool building. Idk what it is..but it's cool.

I gotta walk across Michigan. I got there just in time to walk. =D

People walking across Michigan.

This is my last block

Hurray Fairbanks! Tis where I work. =D

This building looks cool. I think it's part of the hospital.

And again.

Theeeeeere it is! I work there!

This was my dinner during break. I got the mediterranean veggie sandwhich without the bread and cheese. Twas yummy.

All done! =D ...back to work....