Monday, September 26, 2011

There's Nothing My God Cannot Do

"My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do. 
The mountains are His, the rivers are His, the stars are His handiwork too..."

    Steven had to go to work this evening, so I have been alone for a few hours. I spent all afternoon working, so I decided to sit down and watch some movies to relax and unwind. I found a few good christian movies to watch and really enjoyed them. It is so refreshing to watch films that solves the main dilemma with God and prayer. Despite the fact that the stories are fiction, they are encouraging to see because they show how big my God is. I forget sometimes. I get caught up in life and forget just how big and involved God is in my life. 
    I feel like we as human beings have a history of forgetting how big our God is. All throughout the bible we see men and woman making bad choices because they have forgotten how powerful God is. It seems like it shouldn't be so hard to forget, yet we do. We have the knowledge in our head of what he is capable of, but somehow it doesn't make it to our hearts. I need to remember to keep my all powerful God involved in every area of my life. I need to pray without ceasing. When I'm in need-take it to him. When I'm sad-take it to him. When I'm rejoicing-take it to him. 

There's nothing my God cannot do...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Taco Stuffed Peppers

This was dinner probably about a week ago. After going to the farmers market I made a delicious dinner consisting of zucchini bread, corn on the cob, and some stuffed peppers.

Taco Stuffed Peppers (unless you have a better name?):

-Green Bell Pepper
-Ground Beff
-Taco Seasoning
-Shredded Cheddar Cheese
-Pepper jack Cheese
-Sour Cream
-Hot sauce

Tis real simple and yummy!
1) Gut your pepper and take all the seeds and inside stuff out by cutting a circular hole in the top.
2) Cook your beef you in your taco seasoning like you would for making tacos.
3) Fill the bottom of your pepper with the beef.
4) Grate sprinkle some pepper jack cheese on top of that.
5) Dump a little bit of salsa on top of that.
6) Put a little cheddar cheese on top of that.
7) Pour in a little bit of hot sauce.
8) Seal the top of the pepper with sour cream.
9) Sprinkle some cheddar cheese on top of the sour cream.
10) Put in the oven until the pepper is soft.
11) Eat it!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Now that I'm All Grown Up

    One of the things I love about being a "grown up," is being able to live out my childhood fantasies. Despite the hardships, there is so much to smile about. I always dreamed of growing up and getting married to a wonderful and godly man who loves me. I smile because I now have a face to put in that dream.

"When your in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams." -Dr. Suess

I had fantasies of grocery shopping and coming home to a cute little kitchen to put everything away. I fantasized having a place of my own to decorate, in order to make my own version of home. I thought of the day when I would get to go on dates with my spouse like my mom and dad always have. Now I smile because my dreams have come true-I'm living the life of the "grown up" that for a while only lived in my fantasies.
    Oh, and one more thing-this morning I went to a little outdoor market to buy some fresh produce and flowers, and I told Steven that growing up, I had always wished to have fresh flowers wherever I lived. So, of course dreams do come true. =)