Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Magical Snowy Day

Once the holidays are over, winter just seems to be cloudy and gloomy. Spring is always so fantastic because our vitamin D deprived bodies are sighing with relief as they refuel. However, there are a few days during those cold months where the sun shines and makes the snow sparkle. It's those days that make winter magical! Today was one such day and we spent a portion of it cross country skiing. It was a gorgeous and relaxing experience that I hope to relive again soon!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mmm Kombucha

Earlier this year when I was still living in Chicago, I tried a vegan restaurant called Karen's Cooked *insert salivating* i'm pretty sure I blogged about it before, but it was amazing! Anywho, to drink, I had a bottle of strawberry kombucha. I can still remember drinking that wonderful fizzy, fermented drink for the first time and reading the ingredients which said 100% pure love. They totally nailed it. I fell in love and continued to buy the $4.00 (in Chicago) drink whenever I could. In December Steven bought me a scoby and I have been able to make it myself. It's a delicious drink and it's so good for you! Here's a list of healthy benefits: http://www.foodrenegade.com/kombucha-health-benefits/ Don't worry, it has less alcohol in it than NyQuil. For those of you who want to start making it yourself now that  I've convinced you that it's the best thing in the world, I've made a  tutorial! Woohoo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGQh9TtINjE Check it out!...Even if it's only to watch me hold a giant fungus!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Saved Praises

          Life is full of beautiful things, both simple and extravagant. However, those things, those moments, and those experiences only last for a time. In that time and place I praise God for His awesome creations and life experiences He has given me, but then that moment is gone. When those moments are over we are left with a memory that slowly turns black and white over time. It is said that pictures are worth a thousand words- as they should be! We have ability to freeze a second in time and save it for an earthly eternity. Pictures are like saved praises. I snap a moment in time where I am thankful and praising God for His gifts to me and the life He has allowed me to live. It is a blessing to look back through old pictures and begin those praises once again.

I am considering making a photo journal to catalog my everyday life. We will see if it actually happens, but I like that idea.