Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Meditations of a Bug Squasher

My pet spider who I keep under a candle
While squashing flies this morning and feeding them to my accidental pet spider (that is another story that I'll leave for another time) I was doing some pre-Bible reading meditating and was randomly struck with the reminder that when we ask for God to speak to us through His word He isn't going to say no-He is extremely eager to speak to us it is just a matter of us being able to sit still and listen. So of course being excited about hearing a word from God this morning, I sent up the request.

One of the things I am studying right now in my time with God is a little booklet from "Today In The Word," titled: Work and the Word: A Biblical Survey of Labor. The "applying the word" section said this:
"What tools have you been gifted that make your work possible? If you had a to hire someone to do your job-raising children, managing a team of professionals, reading electric meters-how would you describe the skills and characteristics necessary for a successful applicant? Do an inventory of the tools you've been given with which you work."
Now being in ministry I have taken a million strengths tests and they all focus so much on a description of who I supposedly am and what I am supposedly good at and what I should be doing or not doing. However, none of them asked me to be self reflective in quite this way. I started thinking about everything I do (not just ministry, but life) and the gifts I require to do those things and my eyes began to well with tears ( which usually happens when I am in awe of God and the way He works) because it hit me that God specifically gifted me with certain abilities for a purpose. I wasn't just on the assembly line one day and happened to be the billionth person and line so I was stamped with such and such ability. No, God knew what I would do in this life, who I would marry, what I would do for a living, and places I would go. He knew it all and picked out the perfect tools for me to be able to glorify Him to the best of my ability.

I also don't need to try to replicate someone else's tools and wear myself out doing something that God didn't gift me in. He didn't ask me to do that. He asks me to work to the best of my ability with what I have been given in order to give glory back to Him. Isn't that such a beautiful cycle? And don't we have the most amazing all-knowing God? YES!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Secrets of the Vine

A day or two ago I started reading through "Secrets of the Vine" by Bruce Wilkinson. This isn't the first time I've read through this book, but as I look through the passage again and his notes on it, a new idea has come to light. One of the things He says we can learn from this passage in John is:

"The vineyard shows you God's purpose for you. Jesus wanted His followers to remember that we have one overarching purpose on earth-to bear fruit for God's glory."

 Of course I have previously known that our purpose is to glorify and honor God, but it came through in a
different light for me, now that I am in full-time ministry. I can often get caught up in the idea that spreading the gospel is God's purpose for me-working for Him is my life's calling. I think every missionary is in danger of getting caught up in the idea that we are working for God and that is good and that's all we need to do-work at it with all your might and God is pleased. However, upon reading this passage again I came to the realization that no one's life purpose is to spread the gospel. God has not called anyone to put all their energies into bringing people to Christ. Although Jesus does tell us to "Go make disciples of all nations," he doesn't tell them that it is their purpose or calling. If this were the case there would be no martyrs-people die for the gospel not to bring people to Christ, but to glorify God and to stand up for what they believe in. Our sole purpose on this earth and into eternity is to glorify and honor God. So in whatever you have decided to do with your life, that thing that you are doing is not your life's purpose, God has not called you to it, but rather you are supposed to glorify and honor God while you do it. This should be a tremendous attitude changer in your life-because it is in mine right now. Doing work is not pleasing God, it's my attitude while I'm doing it that is pleasing to Him.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Have I made a Difference Today?

At the end of the day I have to ask myself a sobering question:
What have I done today and how have I made a difference?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Just a Quick Love Story

I know Valentines Day is over, but it's never too late to share a love story, right? Steven and I celebrated 3 1/2 years of marriage on Valentines Day and I am still happily married and more in love than I was on my wedding day.

 I really started to take an interest in Steven when I was fifteen and we became pretty good friends thanks to good ol' AIM, E-mail, and church/missions activities. As I have mentioned before, I have an E-mail folder labeled "Steven" that contains over 4,000 E-mails from him. Every once in a while I go back and read those E-mails and well, because I am sick, it seemed like the perfect activity. It is so fun to look back and see the beginnings of our relationship, even though I was the "dumb blonde" and Steven was the "dumb blonde police". He picked on me quite relentlessly and I may have to admit that I probably played it up a bit just so I could keep his attention (he he). In one of the E-mails I just read from 2007, he writes "i honestly am trying to be nice.  its really really hard.  i'll do it though.  u just wait".

It's funny to think that three years after he sent this we were married. Yeah, I'd say he found a way to be a little nicer. He is still my favorite person, my best friend, AND the nicest guy I've ever known.

Thanks babe for being the best husband a girl could ever ask for!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Low Fat Raw Vegan Valentines Chocolates

Ok, I know the title is a mouthful, but every part of that phrase is important! In light of the coming holiday for lovers (and also me and Steven's half year anniversary) I decided to come up with a yummy alternative to the junk that stores of to offer. No, obviously it isn't the same as what the store sells, but that is because it's better! Your body will thank you, and it tastes amazing. Here is the recipe:

-2 Ripe Banana's
-2 Tbs carob powder
-1/4 cup of blueberries
-little bit of water

-Heart candy mold (or whatever you prefer)
-candy liner

1) Blend together 1 banana, carob powder,  15 sweet drops, and a little bit of water (just to make the mixture blend well. Hopefully you will end up with a pudding like consistency 2) Scoop the mixture into your candy mold and make sure that it covers the bottom and a little ways up the sides. 3) Put it in the freezer of the the mixture is at least slightly frozen. 4) Meanwhile put your second banana,  15 sweet drops, and blueberries into the blender and blend into a smooth consistency. 5) Take your candy mold with the chocolate base out of the freezer and scoop a small amount of the blueberry filling into the center
6) Put it into the freezer again 7) when it is at least slightly frozen, pull it out and cover with another layer of chocolate.  8) Put it back into the freezer until solid 9) Take them out of the freezer and pop them out of the molds. 10) situate them in the candy liner and place it in the box. 11) Now your finished! If you want to add bonus points for presentation, tie up the box with a little ribbon.

For an easy tutorial on how to make these, check out my Vegan Tr3k channel <here>.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Magical Snowy Day

Once the holidays are over, winter just seems to be cloudy and gloomy. Spring is always so fantastic because our vitamin D deprived bodies are sighing with relief as they refuel. However, there are a few days during those cold months where the sun shines and makes the snow sparkle. It's those days that make winter magical! Today was one such day and we spent a portion of it cross country skiing. It was a gorgeous and relaxing experience that I hope to relive again soon!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mmm Kombucha

Earlier this year when I was still living in Chicago, I tried a vegan restaurant called Karen's Cooked *insert salivating* i'm pretty sure I blogged about it before, but it was amazing! Anywho, to drink, I had a bottle of strawberry kombucha. I can still remember drinking that wonderful fizzy, fermented drink for the first time and reading the ingredients which said 100% pure love. They totally nailed it. I fell in love and continued to buy the $4.00 (in Chicago) drink whenever I could. In December Steven bought me a scoby and I have been able to make it myself. It's a delicious drink and it's so good for you! Here's a list of healthy benefits: http://www.foodrenegade.com/kombucha-health-benefits/ Don't worry, it has less alcohol in it than NyQuil. For those of you who want to start making it yourself now that  I've convinced you that it's the best thing in the world, I've made a  tutorial! Woohoo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGQh9TtINjE Check it out!...Even if it's only to watch me hold a giant fungus!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Saved Praises

          Life is full of beautiful things, both simple and extravagant. However, those things, those moments, and those experiences only last for a time. In that time and place I praise God for His awesome creations and life experiences He has given me, but then that moment is gone. When those moments are over we are left with a memory that slowly turns black and white over time. It is said that pictures are worth a thousand words- as they should be! We have ability to freeze a second in time and save it for an earthly eternity. Pictures are like saved praises. I snap a moment in time where I am thankful and praising God for His gifts to me and the life He has allowed me to live. It is a blessing to look back through old pictures and begin those praises once again.

I am considering making a photo journal to catalog my everyday life. We will see if it actually happens, but I like that idea.