Monday, November 28, 2011

Once Upon A Time...

    Once upon a time, in a land far far away (at least for most of you reading this), there lived a very happy little couple. They lived in a tiny little apartment in the heart of a very large city. Everyday the young man would grab his backpack and head out across the vast piece of land (aka the parking lot) standing between him and his place of education, for a long and grueling day of preparation for life in the future.
    Around the same time that the young man headed out the door, the young woman would don her work clothes and would set out on her trek across the city to her place of employment. She worked at a small cafe (Panera Bread) about a mile away for her residency. She worked very hard and did the best that she possibly could.
    In the evening when both the young man and woman arrived home, they would share a meal and take time to appreciate the others company. At night before they went to sleep they would thank God for the wonderful day that was coming to an end and for the one they would wake up to the next day. God always provided for their needs and every night they rested in the fact that he had their lives in his hands.
    One day the young couple reached into their pockets to pay for their small apartment and realized that aside from a few pieces of lint-their pockets were empty. What could they do? After realizing they could do nothing, they prayed. Once again God met their need, and provided them with an apartment that was half the price they were currently paying!

...the point of this story....? We are moving!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Holidays Are Here!

    Hurray for the holiday season ! I find it odd (at least for me) that the time leading up to any holiday is more exciting than the actual day itself. Because the holidays are still to come I have much to be excited for ! The best part about the holidays is being with friends and family. I have been so very far away from my friends and relatives this past year, however my family was able to come up this past week and we were able to celebrate thanksgiving together. 
    I have always held tightly to memories and traditions, which means that getting married and moving far away has been especially hard for me. Having my family come to spend time with us and celebrate Thanksgiving was a huge blessing ! God certainly does understand me and my needs.
    I am also super excited to run around Chicago with Steven during the holidays. There are so many lights to look at and things to go see. I don't only like holding onto memories from the past, but I like to make new ones too ! =)