Monday, November 4, 2013

Scary Food

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot! That was the sound I made yesterday when I finished the two classes I have been taking for the past couple months. So for those of you who were wondering where I've been, well, just imagine a dimly lit attic room with empty cans of seltzer water leading to a futon where a disheveled girl is sitting among books and strewn about papers while furiously typing on an overheated laptop. Yeaaaaaaah…that’s where I've been. Now that I have emerged from that world I am ready to get back to a bit a blogging.
                A few days ago I watched a film called Food Inc. and I had my eyes opened to a world that I
knew was there, but didn't understand. I know I can’t do it justice by simply explaining it so I would recommend watching it yourself, but it deals with the subject of mainstream food and how unhealthy it is and how it is produced. To be honest, it is quite scary to see what goes into your food. The film talks about how we think there is so much to choose from in the grocery store, but really there are only a few producing companies that own everything. They choose what goes into your food and quite frankly, it isn't good. Mostly it is corn that has been genetically altered to make all kinds of things.
                I think it is funny how there are all these initiatives to make America healthier so they tell us to eat more fruits and vegetables. While those things are good, most of our fruits and vegetables have been genetically modified and sprayed with chemicals that don’t agree with our bodies and therefore more diseases are born and American health continues to go down the drain.
                The film deals largely with animals, the way they are treated, and the meat that comes from them. I don’t disagree with eating meat, but the way the animals are treated truly is wrong. “Whoever is righteous has regard for his beast” (Proverbs 12:10). We are allowed to eat animals, but we are not allowed to torture them and make their lives miserable till death.
                There is just so much wrong with the way our food is produced and I have determined not to support it. Despite the larger cost of organic food, I have decided that this is what I will purchase. If it saves me from immune dysfunction, insulin disorders, organ damage, infertility, allergies, toxins, disease, nutritional problems and hey, even death…it’s worth it.
                I know that this life is not all about food, but it is about becoming Christ-like and living in a way that would please Him. “To Adam he said, ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from,’ ‘Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life’” (Genesis 3:17). Mans punishment is difficulty growing food, and no amount of genetic modification is going to eradicate that punishment. Obviously it is only adding problems as we get sicker and sicker by trying to get out of the punishment. I want to take care of my body by eating things that are good for it so that I will have many healthy years to serve my Savior.

When you go the drug store you don’t just pick out any old drug to treat your symptoms because that could fatal! You have to know the ingredients to know if it is going to help you. In the same way, we need to be aware of the ingredients in our food because there are many chemicals in them that will harm us rather than help us. I’m not judging you if you don’t eat organically. It is expensive and I may not always be able to afford it either, but when I can I will. Just be aware of what it going into your body.

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